导语「面向真实的世界成长」和「全人发展」是国际教育的常青话题,近年更是被频频提起。但真正能做到甚至做好的学校凤毛麟角。在26年的深耕与探索中,上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校(Concordia)对教育有着独到且深刻的理解。建立一个彼此信赖、互相支持的社区,提供兼顾严谨、真实、关怀和创新的教育体验,是贯穿于Concordia各个层面的理念。以下是我们对上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校代理校长Dr. Eric Semler的采访实录,他以掌舵者的经验和视角,带我们进一步了解了这所兼具口碑和实力的学校。学校名片上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校自1998年建校以来,以其全人教育理念和一流的教育体验赢得了中外国际家庭的广泛青睐。这里聚集了专业的管理团队、博学的教育专家和热忱的教师,为从幼儿园到高中的学生提供全方位的教育支持。学校提供全面的美国课程体系,通过高标准的期望促进全人教育。Concordia希望培养的是具有全球视野的世界公民、具有服务精神的领导者、充满激情的学者、富有创造力的艺术家和充满活力的运动员。每位成员都会在这里感受到平等的尊重和关怀,每位学生都能在充满乐趣和挑战的生活中找到个人热爱。校长名片上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校校长Dr. Eric SemlerDr. Eric Semler是一位教育专家,曾在不同国家累积了超过30年的教育经验。他拥有芝加哥康考迪亚大学行政学硕士学位,以及诺瓦东南大学组织与教育领导学博士学位(Ed.D.),在领导力方面,也获得过学校领导力发展(SLeD)的专业认证。在他数十年的教育生涯中,Dr. Eric Semler先后在日本、美国、印尼学校任教并担任校长、副校长等重要领导职务。他的教育理念着重于培养学生的批判性思维、协作精神和同理心,激励学生成为终身学习者和问题解决者。*English Version Attached严谨与关怀并重,面向变化前行京领:您在Concordia工作了14年,先后担任小学教师、学部校长、教务副校长、代理校长等不同角色,您是怎样理解学校的使命和愿景的?Dr. Eric Semler:Concordia的使命是创建一个学术卓越与人文关怀高度融合的环境。这一使命贯穿于学校的各个层面,确保我们为学生提供学术挑战的同时,创造一个让每个个体感受到重视和关爱的支持性环境。我们对每位学生的独特潜力抱以充分信任,也以此驱动我们不断改进教育方式。教师不仅关注成绩,更注重与学生建立深厚的关系,帮助他们在知识和品格方面全面成长。这种关怀的环境为学生提供了安全感和支持,使他们能够在智力和个人方面都茁壮发展。此外,我们还致力于传递正直、同理心和责任感等核心价值观,帮助学生为世界做出积极贡献。Concordia的使命时刻提醒我们,教育不只与学术有关,它关乎塑造全面发展的个人,帮助学生为有意义且富有影响力的人生做好准备。在日益复杂的世界中,他们不仅需要学术技能,还需要坚定的价值观和卓越的情商,这样才能以富有同情心和正直的态度来引领他人。京领:在学校的发展中,您认为校长最重要的职责是什么?Dr. Eric Semler:我的工作主要集中在两方面:提升教学水平和为所有学生营造一个安全、充满关爱的环境。首先,我致力于确保学校的课程兼具挑战性和启发性。我鼓励教师、学生努力学习,并在学习过程中找到乐趣。同时,帮助学生点燃学习的热情、探索兴趣并发挥他们的全部潜力,对我们而言至关重要。同样重要的是营造一个充满支持和包容的文化氛围。我相信,无论对于个人还是学校的成功而言,每位学生都感到被重视并拥有安全感是非常关键的。与学生、家庭和教师建立牢固的关系,能够帮助我们创造这样一个有爱的环境。当学生感受到支持时,他们更有可能在学术、个人和社交方面茁壮成长。京领:回顾过去,您认为Concordia是否有效跨越了您在担任教师和小学部校长时遇到的挑战?Dr. Eric Semler:我相信学校总是在不断改进的,我们的工作永不止步。总体而言,我为Concordia多年来取得的进步感到自豪。我们建立了一个关爱和滋养学生的学习环境,为所有学生提供支持。我们当前关注的一个重点是满足每位学生不同的需求。每个人是独特的,拥有各自的优势、天赋和才能。当教师花时间真正了解他们的学生时,他们就能更有效地应对学生的个性化需求。这种因材施教的方式有助于学生在学习旅程中茁壮成长。力往一处聚,让不可能成为可能京领:您见证了Concordia的许多变化,您感到最骄傲的变化有哪些?Dr. Eric Semler:有许多值得骄傲的地方。多年来,Concordia创建了一个富有力量且健康的环境,我听到许多教师、员工和家长都表示,他们真切地感受到校园积极向上的精神气质。我也为支持我们的家长感到骄傲。一直以来我们视家长为孩子教育中的重要合作伙伴。研究表明,当家长积极参与并给予支持时,学生在学术和社交方面的表现往往更好。这种合作关系为学生构建了一个强大的支持系统,确保他们拥有迈向成功所需的资源。此外,我为我们的教职工感到骄傲,他们对学校使命的专注与奉献令人敬佩。我们的教师不遗余力地满足学生的成长需求,这是一件难能可贵的事情。最后,我为我们的学生感到骄傲。Concordia的学生以尊重、善良和积极改变世界的姿态而闻名。他们努力学习,并为之自豪。我们都为能成为这样一个出色社区的一员而倍感荣幸。京领:贵校现在有哪些方面的创新举措?Dr. Eric Semler:在Concordia,教师在促进创新方面扮演了核心角色。在这里,教师不仅是教育者,也是终身学习者。通过紧跟教育趋势和新兴技术,他们帮助创造了一个充满好奇心和创造力的氛围,并确保学生为现代社会的复杂性做好了充分准备。一个典型例子是应用学习(Applied Learning)课程的开展。这些课程提供了面向真实世界、大学水平的学习体验,帮助学生成为更强大的思考者和问题解决者。这些课程的学术难度相当于大学中高阶课程,学生能够深入钻研并将所学实际应用。且我们并非采用千篇一律的教学模式,而是以回应性强且鼓舞人心的方式展开教学,让学生创造性地解决与未来发展相关的问题,并且对他们的成长带去变革性的影响。京领:贵校有什么针对课程创新和升学申请的支持?Dr. Eric Semler:Concordia正在积极创新课程,重点培养学生面向真实世界的实际应用能力和问题解决技能;同时开发了强大的STEM项目,不仅关注数字工具的使用,还强调批判性思维、设计思维和将知识应用于现实世界的能力。为支持这一目标,学校正在引入多层次支持系统(MTSS)框架,帮助教师为学生提供个性化的学习支持,确保每个学生都能获得所需的帮助。此外,升学指导团队也为学生的大学申请提供有力支持,包含择校指导、申请策略和经济资助准备等,确保学生在毕业后顺利进入下一阶段。这些共同体现了学校在提升教学品质、支持学生和教师学术发展中的不懈努力。迎接现实世界的复杂,面向未来进发京领:在国际教育领域,您认为校长普遍面临着怎样的挑战?Concordia是如何解决这些困难的?Dr. Eric Semler:领导者需保证学校跟上快速发展的世界。学校里的学生是持续变化的,新生不断加入,返校生不断成长和成熟。在国际学校,每年人员的变动也带来了额外的挑战。因此,领导者必须付出大量努力来有效地吸纳新教职工。在Concordia,我们应对这些挑战的方式之一是领导团队始终保持共同学习。共同追求集体成长,这使我们能够更有效地应对现代教育的复杂性。另一方式是与教职员工建立有意义的关系。通过培养牢固的关系,我们能够建立起信任和社区归属感,这让我们有信心面对每个新学年的挑战。另一个重要的挑战是满足家长的高期望。在Concordia,和家长的紧密合作增强了学校社区的力量,确保了我们朝着共同的目标努力。许多国际学校家长期望他们的孩子在拥有多彩课外生活的同时,仍能保持优异的学业成绩。通过与家长的合作,我们能够为学生创造一个既支持学术卓越又促进个人成长的优质学校环境。通过清晰的家校沟通和共同的期望,我们不仅助力学生尽扬潜力,在保持对学习热爱的同时培养坚强的品格。京领:在数字和人工智能高速发展的当下,您认为国际学校该如何把握未来发展的方向?Dr. Eric Semler:国际学校应以思量周全的态度拥抱数字工具和人工智能,让学生为未来做好准备。通过将AI与数字素养融入教学,学生不仅能为新兴职业做好准备,得到培养的创造力、批判性思维和问题解决能力都将帮助他们更好地应对快速变化的世界。结合STEM与数字工具的跨学科学习也将进一步促进创新思维和解决问题的能力。为确保能够有效指导学生探索新兴的AI世界,教师们也会时刻保持敏锐的嗅觉并提升专业知识。此外,学校应培养学生的全球公民意识和对AI伦理的认知,帮助学生理解技术对社会的广泛影响。通过利用AI进行数据驱动的决策,学校能够在创新前沿保持领先地位,这一方法将帮助学生在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长。【English Version】Balancing Academic Excellence and Care,Moving Forward in a Changing WorldKingLead: You have served in various capacities at Concordia Shanghai for 14 years. Can you share your understanding of the school’s mission and vision?Dr. Eric Semler:Concordia International School Shanghai is built on a mission that balances academic excellence with a nurturing environment. This mission shapes everything we do, ensuring that we challenge students academically while also providing a supportive space where they feel valued and cared for as individuals.We believe every student has unique potential, and this drives our approach to education. Teachers go beyond focusing on grades; they build meaningful relationships with students, helping them grow not only in knowledge but also in character. This creates a safe and supportive environment where students can thrive and develop both intellectually and personally. Beyond academic achievement, we are committed to imparting strong values like integrity, empathy, and responsibility—equipping students to make positive contributions to the world.Concordia’s mission is essential becauseit reminds us that education is not just about academics—it’s about shaping well-rounded individuals who are prepared for lives of purpose and impact. In an increasingly complex world, they need academic skills along with strong values and emotional intelligence to lead with compassion and integrity.KingLead: In the process of school development, what do you think is the most important responsibility of a Head of School?Dr. Eric Semler: As Head of School, my job focuses on two main things: promoting academic excellence and creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students.First, I want to make sure our curriculum is both challenging and inspiring. I encourage teachers to inspire their students to work hard and find joy in their learning. As teachers prepare their students for future challenges, they also care about their students’ passions. It’s important that we ignite a love of learning, helping students explore their interests and reach their full potential.Equally important is creating a supportive and welcoming school culture. I believe every student should feel valued and safe, as this is key ingredient for success. Building strong relationships with students, families, and teachers helps create that nurturing environment. When students feel supported, they are more likely to thrive both academically, personally, and socially.KingLead: Looking back now, do you think that Concordia has effectively addressed the challenges you encountered during your tenure as a teacher and Elementary School Principal?Dr. Eric Semler:I believe that schools are always trying to improve, andour work is never truly finished. Overall, I am proud of the progress Concordia has made over the years. We have built a caring and nurturing learning environment that supports all students.One important area we’re focusing on is meeting the different needs of every student. Each student is unique, with their own strengths, gifts, and talents. When teachers take the time to truly understand their students, they can respond more effectively to the students’ individual needs. This personalized approach helps every student thrive on their learning journey.With Unified EffortsTurning the Impossible into RealityKingLead: You have witnessed many changes of Concordia Shanghai over the years. What is the proudest aspect of the school’s development in your mind?Dr. Eric Semler: There are many things to be proud of at Concordia. First and foremost, I’m proud of the positive and supportive community we’ve built together. Over the years, Concordia has developed a strong and healthy atmosphere, and I’ve heard from teachers, staff, and parents that they really feel the uplifting school spirit.I’m also very proud of our supportive parents. We have a long history of working closely with parents. We see parents as essential partners in their child’s education. When parents are involved and supportive, research shows that students tend to perform better academically and socially. This partnership allows us to create a strong support system for our students, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed.Additionally, I take great pride in our faculty and staff. Their expertise and commitment to our school’s mission are inspiring.Our teachers go above and beyond to meet the needs of our students, showing a dedication that isn’t always found in other schools. I appreciate and value the quality of our teachers and their willingness to give their best every day.Finally, I’m proud of our students. Concordia students are known for being respectful, kind, and eager to make a positive difference in the world. They work hard and take pride in their efforts, which makes it a joy to be part of such an amazing community.KingLead: What kind of innovative aspects does the school have at present?Dr. Eric Semler: At Concordia, teachers play a central role in fostering an environment of innovation. They are encouraged to explore new teaching methods, integrate cutting-edge technology, and create dynamic, student-centered learning experiences. This approach allows educators to adapt to evolving student needs and embrace creative ways of enhancing learning.Teachers at Concordia are given the freedom to experiment with new ideas in the classroom, blending traditional academic rigor with modern pedagogical strategies. Professional development is prioritized, providing faculty with opportunities to learn and implement innovative practices.This commitment to innovation is rooted in a growth mindset, where teachers are not only educators but also lifelong learners. By staying current with educational trends and emerging technologies, they help create an atmosphere where curiosity and creativity thrive, ensuring that students are prepared for the complexities of the modern world.One example of how Concordia has innovated is through itsApplied Learning program.This program provides real-world, college-level learning experiences that help our students become stronger thinkers and problem-solvers. The academic rigor of these courses matches 200 or 300 level university courses. Students can learn in a deep way and apply that learning to their own lives.These courses are not a one-size-fits-all type of program but rather a responsive and exciting learning opportunity. Throughout the courses, students are involved in creative problem solving in relevant future-focused fields. In addition, these courses are transformative for our high school students.KingLead: Are there plans for the school’s curriculum innovation and university application support?Dr. Eric Semler: Concordia is actively innovating the curriculum to focus on real-world applications and problem-solving skills while developing robust STEM programs that focus not only on using digital tools but also on critical thinking, design thinking, and applying knowledge to real-world problems.In support of this effort, we are integrating the MTSS framework to help our teachers implement support systems designed to address the individual learning needs of our students, ensuring they receive the tailored assistance they require. Additionally, the counseling team is necessary to support students through the university application process. It guides college selection, application strategies, and financial aid, ensuring students are well-prepared for their next steps after graduation.These efforts reflect a comprehensive approach to enhancing educational outcomes and supporting students and faculty in their academic journeys.Embracing the complexitiesof the real worldand advancing toward the futureKingLead: In the current field of international education, what do you think are the common challenges faced by school leadership? How does Concordia’s leadership deal with these challenges?Dr. Eric Semler: School leaders face the challenge of navigating an ever-changing world. One constant source of change in schools is the student body, with new students joining and returning students growing and maturing. At international schools, personnel changes also occur annually, and these transitions bring additional challenges. It's essential for leaders to put great effort into onboarding new faculty and staff effectively.At Concordia, one of the ways we tackle these challenges is bylearning together as a leadership team. This commitment to collective growth equips us to face the complexities of modern education.Another key approach we take isbuilding meaningful relationships with our faculty and staff. I firmly believe that leaders must be connected with the people they lead. By fostering strong relationships, we create a sense of trust and community, which enables us to navigate the challenges of each new school year with confidence.Another significant challenge we face as school leaders is meeting the high expectations of parents. At Concordia,partnership with parents strengthens the school community and ensures that we are working together toward the same goals. Many parents of international schools come with the expectation that their children will excel academically, while also participating in a variety of extracurricular activities. By collaborating with parents, we can create an amazing school environment that supports both academic excellence and personal growth. Through clear communication and shared expectations, we help students not only achieve their full potential but also develop strong character and a love for learning.KingLead: With the rapid development of digital and artificial intelligence today, how can international schools better grasp the future development direction?Dr. Eric Semler: International schools should thoughtfully embrace digital tools and AI to prepare students for the future. Integrating AI and digital literacy into the curriculum will equip students for emerging careers, while fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving will ensure their ability to adapt in a fast-changing world.To further strengthen education, interdisciplinary learning—combining STEM with digital tools—will promote innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s equally important for teachers to stay updated through professional development, ensuring they can effectively guide students in this new AI world.In addition, schools should teach global citizenship and the ethical implications of AI, helping students understand the broader impact of technology on society. By leveraging AI for data-driven decision-making, schools can remain at the forefront of innovation. This approach will prepare students to thrive in this ever-changing world.*文中图片均源自上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校官方【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】本文为京领原创出品未经授权,请勿转载电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead